Therapeutic & Medicinal
Therapy at E.S. le Grange School
The therapeutic team at E.S. le Grange School consists of an Educational Psychologist, two Occupational Therapists, and a Physiotherapist.
A multi-disciplinary approach is followed to assist our learners in reaching their full potential and formal and informal training are done for teachers and class assistants.
Although the therapists are stationed at E.S. Le Grange School, they also form part of the District-Based Support Team of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District.
The role of the Educational Psychologist at E.S. Le Grange School:
Learners with special needs such as emotional and behavioural problems are identified and referred to the Psychologist. The Psychologist uses different methods to reach these children. The need and the developmental phase of the child determine the kind of therapy that will be used.
Psychological services include:
The role of the Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist at E.S. Le Grange School:
The Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist assess and treat learners with disturbances in daily function, general development, movement, and postural control. The Occupational Therapists also treat children with sensory difficulties as well as those with cognitive and visual-perceptual problems.
The therapy program consists of individual- and group sessions and the group setups are determined by the age, nature, and severity of the learners’ disabilities.
Therapeutic services include:
The therapeutic team at E.S. le Grange School consists of an Educational Psychologist, two Occupational Therapists, and a Physiotherapist.
A multi-disciplinary approach is followed to assist our learners in reaching their full potential and formal and informal training are done for teachers and class assistants.
Although the therapists are stationed at E.S. Le Grange School, they also form part of the District-Based Support Team of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District.
The role of the Educational Psychologist at E.S. Le Grange School:
Learners with special needs such as emotional and behavioural problems are identified and referred to the Psychologist. The Psychologist uses different methods to reach these children. The need and the developmental phase of the child determine the kind of therapy that will be used.
Psychological services include:
- Assessments for placement at the school
- Assessments of children and guidance of teachers and parents from the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District
- Referral to the relevant therapists and medical personnel
- Interaction with Social Services.
- Coordination of School-Based Support Team
- Psychotherapy
- Group therapy
- Play therapy
- Parental guidance
The role of the Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist at E.S. Le Grange School:
The Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist assess and treat learners with disturbances in daily function, general development, movement, and postural control. The Occupational Therapists also treat children with sensory difficulties as well as those with cognitive and visual-perceptual problems.
The therapy program consists of individual- and group sessions and the group setups are determined by the age, nature, and severity of the learners’ disabilities.
Therapeutic services include:
- Assessments for placement at the school
- Endorsement of self-help skills, i.e. dressing, transfers, and bathroom use.
- Maintenance and improvement of mobility
- Boosting of physical independence by issuing suitable assistive devices
- Development of gross and fine motor skills
- Sensory integration
- Encouragement of participation in sport and recreational activities
- Positioning and proper seating of learners with physical disabilities (especially
- those who mobilise with wheelchairs)
- Continuous re-evaluation of goals is done to reach all the above-mentioned objectives.
Medical Services
E.S. le Grange School has two Professional Nurses – Sr. Lilian Msulwa and Sr. Gwendo Snijman.
They take care of the medical needs of the learners while attending school.
Some of the tasks they attend to include:
E.S. le Grange School has two Professional Nurses – Sr. Lilian Msulwa and Sr. Gwendo Snijman.
They take care of the medical needs of the learners while attending school.
Some of the tasks they attend to include:
- Supervising of the use of chronic medication at school
- Handling of minor ailments and medical emergencies
- Referral of learners with specific conditions or problems to relevant medical professionals
- Formal and informal health education
- Training sessions to learners and school personnel.
Terapie & Medies
Terapie by E.S. le Grange Skool
Die terapeutiese span by E.S. le Grange skool bestaan uit 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige, twee arbeidsterapeute en 'n fisioterapeut.
'n Multidissiplinêre benadering word gevolg om ons leerders te help om hul volle potensiaal te bereik en formele en informele opleiding word vir onderwysers en klas assistente gedoen.
Alhoewel die terapeute by E.S. gestasioneer is, maak hulle ook deel uit van die distriksgebaseerde ondersteuningspan van die distrik Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.
Die rol van die Opvoedkundige Sielkundige by E.S. Le Grange Skool:
Leerders met spesiale behoeftes soos emosionele en gedragsprobleme word geïdentifiseer en na die sielkundige verwys. Die sielkundige gebruik verskillende metodes om hierdie kinders te bereik. Die behoefte en die ontwikkelingsfase van die kind bepaal die soort terapie wat gebruik gaan word.
Sielkundige dienste sluit in:
Die rol van die Arbeidsterapeute en Fisioterapeut by E.S. Le Grange-skool:
Die Arbeidsterapeute en Fisioterapeut beoordeel en behandel leerders met versteurings in die daaglikse funksie, algemene ontwikkeling, beweging en posturale beheer. Die arbeidsterapeute behandel ook kinders met sensoriese probleme sowel as kinders met kognitiewe en visueel-perseptuele probleme.
Die terapieprogram bestaan uit individuele en groepsessies en die groepopstellings word bepaal deur die ouderdom, aard en erns van die leerders se gestremdhede.
Terapeutiese dienste sluit in:
Mediese dienste
E.S. le Grange-skool het twee professionele verpleegkundiges - sr. Lilian Msulwa en sr. Gwendo Snijman. Hulle sorg vir die mediese behoeftes van die leerders terwyl hulle skoolgaan.
Van die take wat hulle verrig, sluit in:
Die terapeutiese span by E.S. le Grange skool bestaan uit 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige, twee arbeidsterapeute en 'n fisioterapeut.
'n Multidissiplinêre benadering word gevolg om ons leerders te help om hul volle potensiaal te bereik en formele en informele opleiding word vir onderwysers en klas assistente gedoen.
Alhoewel die terapeute by E.S. gestasioneer is, maak hulle ook deel uit van die distriksgebaseerde ondersteuningspan van die distrik Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.
Die rol van die Opvoedkundige Sielkundige by E.S. Le Grange Skool:
Leerders met spesiale behoeftes soos emosionele en gedragsprobleme word geïdentifiseer en na die sielkundige verwys. Die sielkundige gebruik verskillende metodes om hierdie kinders te bereik. Die behoefte en die ontwikkelingsfase van die kind bepaal die soort terapie wat gebruik gaan word.
Sielkundige dienste sluit in:
- Assesserings vir plasing by die skool
- Evaluering van kinders en begeleiding van onderwysers en ouers uit die Dr. Kenneth Kaunda-distrik
- Verwysing na die betrokke terapeute en mediese personeel
- Interaksie met maatskaplike dienste.
- Koördinering van skoolgebaseerde ondersteuningspan
- Psigoterapie
- Groepterapie
- Speelterapie
- Ouerleiding
Die rol van die Arbeidsterapeute en Fisioterapeut by E.S. Le Grange-skool:
Die Arbeidsterapeute en Fisioterapeut beoordeel en behandel leerders met versteurings in die daaglikse funksie, algemene ontwikkeling, beweging en posturale beheer. Die arbeidsterapeute behandel ook kinders met sensoriese probleme sowel as kinders met kognitiewe en visueel-perseptuele probleme.
Die terapieprogram bestaan uit individuele en groepsessies en die groepopstellings word bepaal deur die ouderdom, aard en erns van die leerders se gestremdhede.
Terapeutiese dienste sluit in:
- Assesserings vir plasing by die skool
- Bevestiging van selfhelpvaardighede, dit wil sê aantrek, oordrag en gebruik van badkamers.
- Instandhouding en verbetering van mobiliteit
- Die bevordering van fisiese onafhanklikheid deur geskikte hulpmiddels uit te reik
- Ontwikkeling van groot en fyn motoriese vaardighede
- Sensoriese integrasie
- Aanmoediging van deelname aan sport en ontspanningsaktiwiteite
- Posisionering en behoorlike sitplek van leerders met liggaamlike gestremdhede (veral
- diegene wat met rolstoele mobiliseer)
- Deurlopende herevaluering van die doelwitte word gedoen om al die bogenoemde doelwitte te bereik.
Mediese dienste
E.S. le Grange-skool het twee professionele verpleegkundiges - sr. Lilian Msulwa en sr. Gwendo Snijman. Hulle sorg vir die mediese behoeftes van die leerders terwyl hulle skoolgaan.
Van die take wat hulle verrig, sluit in:
- Toesig oor die gebruik van chroniese medikasie op skool
- Hantering van geringe kwale en mediese noodgevalle
- Verwysing van leerders met spesifieke toestande of probleme na relevante mediese professionele persone
- Formele en informele gesondheidsopvoeding
- Opleidingsessies vir leerders en skoolpersoneel.