Meet our principal:
Michelle Jerling
Albie Bisschoff had the vision to open a Special School for learners with severe disabilities and she carried that vision through when E.S. le Grange School opened doors on 10 June 1963. Her vision with the help of many other stakeholders started the journey with a phenomenal drive to be the best school in the North West Province. The school is proud to say, that what she believed the school will be, was accomplished.
E.S. le Grange Special School is a multifaceted Government school for learners with Special Educational Needs rendering services to learners with an intellectual and physical disability. Many of the learners attending E.S. le Grange Special School have multiple disabilities.
The school caters for learners ranging in ages 5 to 18 years and represents the total spectrum of the South African community. The language of learning and teaching at E.S. le Grange Special School is Afrikaans and English and the school offers alternative methods of communication for the non-verbal learners.
At E.S. le Grange all skillfully and trained professionals are passionate about special needs learners and education.
Our teaching does not only focus on academic performance but it is also about, changing attitudes and lives.
Teachers strive to provide good solid practical and theoretical education in a relaxed and stress-free environment according to the individual need of the learner.
Progress in E.S. le Grange School does not follow a straight ascending line. It follows a spiral with rhythms of progress until we eventually reach dissolution, successful or unsuccessful but we shall keep on trying until we eventually reach our goal.
E.S. le Grange Special School is a multifaceted Government school for learners with Special Educational Needs rendering services to learners with an intellectual and physical disability. Many of the learners attending E.S. le Grange Special School have multiple disabilities.
The school caters for learners ranging in ages 5 to 18 years and represents the total spectrum of the South African community. The language of learning and teaching at E.S. le Grange Special School is Afrikaans and English and the school offers alternative methods of communication for the non-verbal learners.
At E.S. le Grange all skillfully and trained professionals are passionate about special needs learners and education.
Our teaching does not only focus on academic performance but it is also about, changing attitudes and lives.
- No one is ever left out.
- Everyone is different, which adds to the fun.
Teachers strive to provide good solid practical and theoretical education in a relaxed and stress-free environment according to the individual need of the learner.
Progress in E.S. le Grange School does not follow a straight ascending line. It follows a spiral with rhythms of progress until we eventually reach dissolution, successful or unsuccessful but we shall keep on trying until we eventually reach our goal.
Albie Bisschoff het die visie gehad om 'n spesiale skool vir leerders met ernstige gestremdhede te open en sy het die visie deurgedra toe E.S. le Grange-skool sy deure op 10 Junie 1963 geopen het. Haar visie met die hulp van baie ander belanghebbendes het die reis begin met 'n fenomenale strewe om die beste skool in die Noordwes-provinsie te wees.
Die skool kan met trots sê dat dit wat sy geglo het reeds deur die skool bereik is.
E.S. le Grange Spesiale Skool is 'n veelsydige staats skool vir leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes wat dienste lewer aan leerders met 'n ernstige intellektuele en liggaamlike gestremdheid. Baie van die leerders wat tans in die skool is het veelvuldige gestremdhede.
Die skool maak voorsiening vir leerders vanaf ouderdom 5 tot 18 jaar en verteenwoordig die totale spektrum van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap. Die taal van leer en onderrig aan E.S. le Grange Special School is Afrikaans en Engels en die skool bied alternatiewe metodes vir kommunikasie vir nie-verbale leerders.
By E.S. le Grange, is professionele personeel wat almal passievol is oor leerders met spesiale behoeftes en onderwys.
Ons onderrig fokus nie net op akademiese prestasies nie, maar dit gaan ook oor die verandering van houdings en lewens.
Onderwysers streef daarna om goeie praktiese en teoretiese onderrig te bied in 'n ontspanne en stres vrye omgewing volgens die individuele behoefte van die leerder.
Vooruitgang in E.S. le Grange-skool volg nie 'n reguit lyn nie. Dit volg 'n spiraal met ritmes van vordering soms op en soms af totdat ons die doel bereik.
Die skool kan met trots sê dat dit wat sy geglo het reeds deur die skool bereik is.
E.S. le Grange Spesiale Skool is 'n veelsydige staats skool vir leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes wat dienste lewer aan leerders met 'n ernstige intellektuele en liggaamlike gestremdheid. Baie van die leerders wat tans in die skool is het veelvuldige gestremdhede.
Die skool maak voorsiening vir leerders vanaf ouderdom 5 tot 18 jaar en verteenwoordig die totale spektrum van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap. Die taal van leer en onderrig aan E.S. le Grange Special School is Afrikaans en Engels en die skool bied alternatiewe metodes vir kommunikasie vir nie-verbale leerders.
By E.S. le Grange, is professionele personeel wat almal passievol is oor leerders met spesiale behoeftes en onderwys.
Ons onderrig fokus nie net op akademiese prestasies nie, maar dit gaan ook oor die verandering van houdings en lewens.
- Niemand word ooit uitgelaat nie.
- Almal is anders, wat bydra tot die pret.
Onderwysers streef daarna om goeie praktiese en teoretiese onderrig te bied in 'n ontspanne en stres vrye omgewing volgens die individuele behoefte van die leerder.
Vooruitgang in E.S. le Grange-skool volg nie 'n reguit lyn nie. Dit volg 'n spiraal met ritmes van vordering soms op en soms af totdat ons die doel bereik.