E.S. le Grange follow the National Curriculum Statement for Severe and Intellectual Disabled Learners Grade R to 5.
Our teaching is not only about academic results but also about changing attitudes, behavior, teaching methodologies, curricula and the environment to meet the needs of all learners. While we follow the National Curriculum, each child's individual learning style will be catered for as far as possible. Each child will go through all learning outcomes grade R-5 and selected assessment criteria for a particular year; however, we will apply various teaching methods to suit the various learning styles represented in a class.
We also have a strong arts and culture component, meaning that children will be able to experience the benefit of music, art and dance. We want to limit the amount of "paper work" in the form of worksheets, which children in ordinary public schools have to do and replace these with practical work and "hands on" learning, therefore the strong art and culture component. In the North West Province and at E.S. le Grange school we have a vision, to teach children, with barriers to learning to be the best that they can be and empower their teachers and parents to discover their hidden potential and strengths through the CAPS GR R-5 SID.
On-going assessment forms part of the intervention plan for each child. Children can be assessed at any stage by our team of teachers. Because our classes are small, children are assisted individually on a daily basis and their progress strictly monitored. These results will guide our teaching approaches to be used with each child.
Each child will progress at a different pace, and may need additional assistance on a one-on-one basis. These individual therapies may consist of remedial, speech, occupational, or psychological. The teacher will assist with each child’s problem but she will also inform any parent if further intervention will be necessary
The school instructs the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Learners with Severe Intellectual Disability and learners progress from Grade R to Grade 5. The curriculum has been designed by the Department of Basic Education and is compulsory. The curriculum consists of three core subjects, namely Language, Mathematics and Life Skills.
From the ages 14 years and older (Grade 4), skills subjects are implemented of which E.S le Grange School instructs the following:
According to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement requirements, Natural Sciences as well as a First Additional Language is introduced at 14 years.
In grade 4 and 5 the Life Skills programme focusses on Vocational Training Program whereby learners are given the opportunity of being included in the following programs:
Four report cards are sent home to parents to ensure participation in their child's school programme.
ES le Grange is run by a team of qualified and skillfully trained professionals who are passionate about helping each child reach their full potential. Parents are our strategic partners in achieving our goals. We will go the extra mile as long as parents are willing to partner with us in helping their child.
E.S. le Grange follow the National Curriculum Statement for Severe and Intellectual Disabled Learners Grade R to 5.
Our teaching is not only about academic results but also about changing attitudes, behavior, teaching methodologies, curricula and the environment to meet the needs of all learners. While we follow the National Curriculum, each child's individual learning style will be catered for as far as possible. Each child will go through all learning outcomes grade R-5 and selected assessment criteria for a particular year; however, we will apply various teaching methods to suit the various learning styles represented in a class.
We also have a strong arts and culture component, meaning that children will be able to experience the benefit of music, art and dance. We want to limit the amount of "paper work" in the form of worksheets, which children in ordinary public schools have to do and replace these with practical work and "hands on" learning, therefore the strong art and culture component. In the North West Province and at E.S. le Grange school we have a vision, to teach children, with barriers to learning to be the best that they can be and empower their teachers and parents to discover their hidden potential and strengths through the CAPS GR R-5 SID.
On-going assessment forms part of the intervention plan for each child. Children can be assessed at any stage by our team of teachers. Because our classes are small, children are assisted individually on a daily basis and their progress strictly monitored. These results will guide our teaching approaches to be used with each child.
Each child will progress at a different pace, and may need additional assistance on a one-on-one basis. These individual therapies may consist of remedial, speech, occupational, or psychological. The teacher will assist with each child’s problem but she will also inform any parent if further intervention will be necessary
The school instructs the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Learners with Severe Intellectual Disability and learners progress from Grade R to Grade 5. The curriculum has been designed by the Department of Basic Education and is compulsory. The curriculum consists of three core subjects, namely Language, Mathematics and Life Skills.
From the ages 14 years and older (Grade 4), skills subjects are implemented of which E.S le Grange School instructs the following:
- Agricultural Studies
- Art and Crafts
- Ancillary Health Care
- Consumer Studies Food Production
- Consumer Studies Sewing
- Office Administration
- Maintenance
- Woodworking and Timber
- Welding
According to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement requirements, Natural Sciences as well as a First Additional Language is introduced at 14 years.
In grade 4 and 5 the Life Skills programme focusses on Vocational Training Program whereby learners are given the opportunity of being included in the following programs:
- Home Independence Programme
- Home Management and Internal School Tasks
- Open Labour Market (if possible)
Four report cards are sent home to parents to ensure participation in their child's school programme.
ES le Grange is run by a team of qualified and skillfully trained professionals who are passionate about helping each child reach their full potential. Parents are our strategic partners in achieving our goals. We will go the extra mile as long as parents are willing to partner with us in helping their child.
E.S. le Grange volg die Nasionale Kurrikulum vir leerders met ernstige en intellektuele gestremdhede, graad R tot 5.
Ons onderrig gaan nie net oor akademiese resultate nie, maar ook oor die verandering van houdings, gedrag, verskillende onderrigmetodes, leerplanne en die omgewing om aan die behoeftes van alle leerders te voldoen. Terwyl ons die Nasionale Kurrikulum volg, sal daar sover moontlik voorsiening gemaak word vir elke kind se individuele leerstyl en behoeftes. Elke kind gaan deur al die leeruitkomste graad R-5 en geselekteerde assesseringskriteria vir 'n spesifieke jaar; ons sal egter verskillende onderrigmetodes toepas om te pas by die verskillende leerstyle wat in 'n klas voorgestel word.
Ons het ook 'n sterk kuns- en kultuurkomponent, wat beteken dat kinders die voordeel van musiek, kuns en dans sal kan ervaar. Ons wil die hoeveelheid "papierwerk" in die vorm van werkkaarte wat kinders in gewone openbare skole moet doen, beperk en vervang met praktiese werk en 'praktiese' leer, daarom die sterk kuns- en kultuurkomponent. In die Noordwes-provinsie en by E.S. le Grange-skool het ons 'n visie om kinders te leer, met hindernisse om te leer om die beste te wees en om hul onderwysers en ouers te bemagtig om hul verborge potensiaal en sterk punte te ontdek deur middel van die CAPS GR R-5 SID.
Deurlopende assessering vorm deel van die intervensieplan vir elke kind. Omdat ons klasse klein is, word kinders daagliks individueel gehelp en hulle vordering word streng gemonitor. Hierdie resultate sal lei tot ons onderrigbenaderings wat by elke kind gebruik moet word.
Elke kind sal in 'n ander tempo vorder, en kan addisionele hulp nodig hê op 'n een-tot-een basis. Hierdie individuele terapieë kan bestaan uit remediërende, spraak-, beroeps- of sielkundige behandeling. Die onderwyser sal help met elke kind se probleem, maar sy sal ook enige ouer in kennis stel indien verdere ingryping nodig is
Die Nasionale Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring vir leerders met ernstige intellektuele gestremdheid word gebruik en leerders vorder van graad R tot graad 5. Die kurrikulum is ontwerp deur die Departement van Basiese Onderwys en is verpligtend. Die leergang bestaan uit drie kernvakke, naamlik Taal, Wiskunde en Lewensvaardighede.
Vanaf die ouderdom van 14 jaar en ouer (graad 4) word vaardigheidsvakke geïmplementeer waarvan die E.S le Grange-skool die volgende aanbied:
Volgens die vereistes vir die kurrikulum en assesseringsbeleid word Natuurwetenskappe sowel as 'n eerste addisionele taal op 14 jaar ingestel.
In graad 4 en 5 fokus die lewensvaardigheidsprogram op die beroepsopleidingsprogram waardeur leerders die geleentheid kry om by die volgende programme opgeneem te word:
Vier rapporte word aan ouers gestuur sodat ouers deel voel en is aan die kind se vordering.
ES le Grange word bestuur deur 'n span gekwalifiseerde en vaardig opgeleide professionele persone wat passievol is om elke kind te help om hul volle potensiaal te bereik. Ouers is ons strategiese vennote om ons doelwitte te bereik. Ons sal ekstra moeite doen solank ouers bereid is om saam met ons hul kind te help.
E.S. le Grange volg die Nasionale Kurrikulum vir leerders met ernstige en intellektuele gestremdhede, graad R tot 5.
Ons onderrig gaan nie net oor akademiese resultate nie, maar ook oor die verandering van houdings, gedrag, verskillende onderrigmetodes, leerplanne en die omgewing om aan die behoeftes van alle leerders te voldoen. Terwyl ons die Nasionale Kurrikulum volg, sal daar sover moontlik voorsiening gemaak word vir elke kind se individuele leerstyl en behoeftes. Elke kind gaan deur al die leeruitkomste graad R-5 en geselekteerde assesseringskriteria vir 'n spesifieke jaar; ons sal egter verskillende onderrigmetodes toepas om te pas by die verskillende leerstyle wat in 'n klas voorgestel word.
Ons het ook 'n sterk kuns- en kultuurkomponent, wat beteken dat kinders die voordeel van musiek, kuns en dans sal kan ervaar. Ons wil die hoeveelheid "papierwerk" in die vorm van werkkaarte wat kinders in gewone openbare skole moet doen, beperk en vervang met praktiese werk en 'praktiese' leer, daarom die sterk kuns- en kultuurkomponent. In die Noordwes-provinsie en by E.S. le Grange-skool het ons 'n visie om kinders te leer, met hindernisse om te leer om die beste te wees en om hul onderwysers en ouers te bemagtig om hul verborge potensiaal en sterk punte te ontdek deur middel van die CAPS GR R-5 SID.
Deurlopende assessering vorm deel van die intervensieplan vir elke kind. Omdat ons klasse klein is, word kinders daagliks individueel gehelp en hulle vordering word streng gemonitor. Hierdie resultate sal lei tot ons onderrigbenaderings wat by elke kind gebruik moet word.
Elke kind sal in 'n ander tempo vorder, en kan addisionele hulp nodig hê op 'n een-tot-een basis. Hierdie individuele terapieë kan bestaan uit remediërende, spraak-, beroeps- of sielkundige behandeling. Die onderwyser sal help met elke kind se probleem, maar sy sal ook enige ouer in kennis stel indien verdere ingryping nodig is
Die Nasionale Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring vir leerders met ernstige intellektuele gestremdheid word gebruik en leerders vorder van graad R tot graad 5. Die kurrikulum is ontwerp deur die Departement van Basiese Onderwys en is verpligtend. Die leergang bestaan uit drie kernvakke, naamlik Taal, Wiskunde en Lewensvaardighede.
Vanaf die ouderdom van 14 jaar en ouer (graad 4) word vaardigheidsvakke geïmplementeer waarvan die E.S le Grange-skool die volgende aanbied:
- Landbouwetenskappe
- Kuns
- Aanvullende gesondheidsorg
- Verbruikerstudies Voedselproduksie
- Verbruikerstudies Naaldwerk
- Kantooradministrasie
- Onderhoud
- Houtwerk
- Sweiswerk
Volgens die vereistes vir die kurrikulum en assesseringsbeleid word Natuurwetenskappe sowel as 'n eerste addisionele taal op 14 jaar ingestel.
In graad 4 en 5 fokus die lewensvaardigheidsprogram op die beroepsopleidingsprogram waardeur leerders die geleentheid kry om by die volgende programme opgeneem te word:
- Program vir onafhanklikheid tuis
- Tuisbestuur en interne skooltake
- Oop arbeidsmark (indien moontlik)
Vier rapporte word aan ouers gestuur sodat ouers deel voel en is aan die kind se vordering.
ES le Grange word bestuur deur 'n span gekwalifiseerde en vaardig opgeleide professionele persone wat passievol is om elke kind te help om hul volle potensiaal te bereik. Ouers is ons strategiese vennote om ons doelwitte te bereik. Ons sal ekstra moeite doen solank ouers bereid is om saam met ons hul kind te help.